Templar Church is an ecumenical, nondenominational church representing Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. We are a missionary church that works with and through your local church to spread the Gospel of Christ, We do not replace your local church, rather our Templar Missionaries work through their local church and community to spread God's word. Our Templar Missionaries are called to fulfill Psalms 82:3-4
3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
As a Church, we are a non-profit organization and all donations to Templar Church or it's ministries are tax deductible.
Templar Church owns two ministries:
http://www.TheKnightsTemplar.org/ and
We strive to provide spiritual growth for our missionary knights and aim to help them achieve their individual goals and eventually ordain them into full ministry.
Some of aspects of our church's ministry:
1) We conduct Investiture church services with communion.
2) We provide online training in Christian doctrine and training for our Missionary Templars.
3) We conduct Bible Studies.
4) Prayer Ministry.
5) Conduct sermons and church services.
6) We Ordain Missionaries.
7) We Support our Missionaries both financially and spiritually
National Conclave of the Knights Templar of America 2022
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